Thursday, 29 November 2018

Super Hero vs Sinner’s Hero

"Worship them, and you will become like them"

Children, youth, and even adults are crazy about superhero films, and run to see them the minute they are released. Something within today’s youth and teens likes to fantasize that a superhero would be able to solve all their modern-day problems. 
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman. All of them, and many others might have wonderful powers and abilities, but they (unlike Jesus) cannot make us like them. Let me tell you why.

The early morning bus to work can be torturous at times because a minute late, and you have to wait another ten or twenty minutes to get the next bus. I sometimes have to run at least twenty to thirty meters to jump onto the bus before it runs off. At moments like those, I wish I were Flash; but then, if I were Flash I wouldn’t have to use any public transport. I wouldn’t mind settling even for Superman, Wolverine or Iron Man.
"Truth is; human nature longs for the fantasy world of being superior or super, the yearning for something beyond natural".
Well, there is no tax imposed on imagination (so far), but the issue is, what do we yearn for or who do we long to become? Are we taking this superhero stuff so seriously that we forget what exactly is real and what exactly isn’t or what is true and what isn’t? 
Be warned because:
"Superheroes have shadowed a lot of truth and we constantly have to be reminded of the ultimate truth lest we forget who we really are on our own – weak, frail, and constantly drawn to sin…"

Growing up as an only child, I created my own imaginary world. I was a superhero with the abilities of an eagle, fully human with golden hair at the centre of my head, and huge wings on my back. I would create a very interesting story in my head where I had to save lots of people. I gave myself difficult tasks as those depicted in most superhero movies. I made my storyline very interesting and personal, so if I got busy doing something else, I could simply take a super break, and continue the story in my head at the next given opportunity.
The problem with that was not loneliness but my dependence was on my imaginary world. To get away from the unpalatable reality of this world, I had to escape into a fictional universe. I was brought up in a Christian home as most people would claim, but Jesus wasn’t my ultimate dependence, I wasn’t intimate enough with him to share my worries. That kind of attitude can arrest children too and misshape the relationship they could have with Jesus. Even the Christians who are fully aware of Christ end up having a battlefield in their mind between comical superheroes and the sinner’s hero.

"I’ve read through a lot of public comments on the subject and some called Jesus their favorite superhero…"
Well, that is a good way to define Batman, the saviour of Gotham. But it isn’t an adequate classification for Christ who, above all, is God (John 1:1), not some imaginary comic character that has flowed out from an illustrator’s Rotring Rapidograph pen.
Moreover, to worship Christ as you do a superhero, would become a form of idolatry. “For who in the skies is comparable to the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty is like the LORD, a God greatly feared in the council of the holy ones, and awesome above all those who are around Him? O LORD God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty LORD? Your faithfulness also surrounds You”. (Psalm 89:6 – 8). The word of God clearly commands, there is none to be compared to the Almighty, and to do so is a sin against the Mighty God himself.
The truth, as hard as it may sound- Christ is the Savior
Not of Gotham, nor of the Greeks, neither of the Vikings nor just the Israelite, but of the world, for it pleases God to send Him as a sacrifice, freely (John 3:16 – 18). He did it not just to save us from sin as some may think, not even to save us from Satan alone but to ultimately save us from the wrath of God which we truly deserve. (Romans 1 – 3).

           Romans 12:2

"Furthermore, I don’t think any superhero would save the world just to share his identity with us, but Jesus does precisely that…"

Come to imagine Superman dying to save metropolis or some city in the US which he did… and he had to be resurrected again to save the planet from the doom Steppenwolf is planning… the superheroes work hard to defeat him; as usual, Superman was the main guy needed. Now, here is the bad news: we, on the other hand, are not just facing some imaginary doomsday terror, neither are we wrestling only with human enemies in flesh and blood… we find ourselves in combat with all principalities and powers of evil that dwell in darkness (Ephesians 6:12), not imaginary, but real. 
It could be terrifying but the fact remains that the bad news is overshadowed by the Good News: Christ also died, was raised by God, and He ascended to heaven, thus being a mediator and the fulfilment of the promise of the true saviour of the world. In His death, we also die, and in His resurrection, we rise and have access to eternal life (Romans 6;4 – 5) and we are not just granted eternal life with Him but we who are sinners are counted righteous because of His righteousness (Romans 4:22 – 25).
No super hero has the ability to save us from God’s wrath against our sin, which is why we need a true sinner’s hero to set us free…
Hey, I am not against watching or enjoying superhero movies. I really enjoy almost all DC and Marvel series, from flash to marvel’s cloak and dagger, but the point I am trying to drive home is that we must be conscious on how we view these superhero movies, curb ourselves from idolizing them, at the cost of putting Christ first when we face real life issues. God has our best interest always on His mind, and His love is higher than the heavens, unlimited, and beyond measure. Tell me, does any superhero give you that – the feeling of being loved above all, and no matter what?
I rest my case.

(Source: Thrive magazine India pg 7 Superheroes vs Sinner's hero- Cotek Temitayo)

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Acquiring wealth without money

                                                      -The riches you seek lies within you-

Plant your ideas and nurture it till it grows into an extremely large tree.


rue wealth belongs to those who are ready to use what they have in hand, those who cease every chance and create an opportunity from it, those whose world is not fashioned on blame games nor complains. To these people life tends to bend in their favor and other seems to count it as luck but it is far more than mere luck, they have mastered the art of living life in a way that looks magical but real.

We, humans, are the greatest being to walk on this planet, the skills and knowledge given to us by the creator are so vast beyond comprehension. We are fashioned above every other creature on earth and that means we are not here by mistake. Generally, we tend to depend on money as the only source to acquire wealth or as some may say, without money they are nothing.
I have been on this planet a long time and I have come to the realization that idea is what rules the world. A single idea birthed and nurtured can become the sole and primary resource for creating anything when I say anything I mean everything you can ever think of. Funny enough the use of money as currency, was as a result of an idea which became an entity in various forms, colors and designs. Therefore, this ruled money out as the source of wealth. From the cloth we wear to the shoe on our feet, it is all because of someone’s idea which became a reality.

One of the best questions I came across in the Bible was found in Exodus 4:2(NIV): Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied.

any at times we go about in search of what we don’t have and we search through hills and mountains asking how on earth can I acquire riches? Taking the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and others like them, there is something these men share in common, the ability to create an idea from their mind and therefore work towards turning their ideas into reality. A reality we see today as Microsoft, a reality we enjoy today as Facebook, a reality we surf through as Amazon, that is the reality they created for us today. It’s not about the money they get but the importance is in what they offer the world we all live in.
The richest people are not those rich in money but those rich in ideas
True riches and wealth lie within us all, but first, we must be ready to answer the question, what do you have right now in your hand?  Before we start searching for things we will never find, let’s sit back and ask these;
·         what do we have right now?
·         what kind of skills do we possess?
·         what ideas can we work on?
·         what can you identify as your talent?
nce you are ready to find answers to these questions then you must proceed by developing each skill, talents, knowledge, and ideas, one step at a time, be persistent, work hard and work smart, let focus be your headlamp until you turn your idea into a reality. From your talent and skills, create an idea which will make a difference from what already has been.
Idea is the key to opening the castle of wealth.
The truth of the matter is; I am tired of hearing that youth are the leaders of tomorrow because now to be a leader it’s no more just your degree, not your certificates and papers as such, but it’s in;
·         the ability to be creative,
·         the ability to be productive
·         the ability to create and idea
·         ability to face a responsibility as it comes and not run from it
·         the ability to run through fire without fearing being burnt
·         the see next opportunity in every blockage
·         the ability to find a sense in every nonsense
Your richness in these will make you stand out and through these principles, life will bend for you.
To be gullible is as dangerous as diving into an ocean without knowing how to swim.
Finally, dear friends here are what you must work on;
Ø  Pray always in faith
Ø  Acquire knowledge in every way you can,
Ø  Develop yourself in the best way you can,
Ø  Don’t just sit around blaming situation and time or circumstances.
Ø  Focus on things you do best and develop it
Ø  Don’t listen to traitors who say you can’t
Ø  Use every possible materials and resource you have right now
Ø  Learn the value of multiplication
Ø  Understand failing is the pathway to success
Ø  Quit comparing yourself with others
While you were busy clubbing and having fun, I was busy working and setting my goals right. When I became successful you told me it’s luck, no my friend it’s a result of smart and hard work.
Ø  Work hard but smart
Ø  Laziness is never an option for great minds
Ø  Do not relent no matter the situation
Ø  Believe in yourself always and always believe in yourself
Ø  Make sure your ideas are as unique as you

When you put yourself to action, situation, time and circumstances will kiss your feet.
                                                                            Cotek Temitayo ∞∞∞

NIGERIA ( The Sinking Ship)

I have been silent for a very long time and I have observed a lot going on in my country during my years of silence. Ah! Nigeria is on a journey and the paths lead to hell, both the leaders and followers on this journey are guilty and worthy of death by hanging. I have always thought it’s none of my business until situations permit me to understand it is an important business of mine. I saw greediness ruling the heart of many and lack of contentment as the foundation by which a lot of Nigerians build their hope. Yet above all these; I went to the north and I saw the skills of the northerners, how proficient they are and how good they are in constructing coupled with farming. Down the south I observed how self-sufficient they are, these folks are so good with their own copy of products, investment and business is their heart desire. I sail the sea to the west, I found their intellect is profound, Ayurveda medicine is so natural to them. Finally, my visit to the east was just too amazing, the beauty of the people and the hospitality of these folks can make you forget your home. Through these, a question kept hitting me hard; Are we truly lazy in Nigeria?
Image result for sinking ship
Nigeria is like a capsized ship, and the captain of this sinking ship went ahead to talk to the rescuing ship’s captain and crew members, he publicly tagged the youths of the nation lazy!????
How will other nation who already looked down on the giant of Africa take this? they will feel so accurate and see the nation and her people as worthless beings. The statement made by the captain of this sinking ship is a very shameful one, no leader has ever brought shame to his nation in such a way. This same captain was the busy-body who couldn’t fix his home and went ahead sleeping in someone else’s home, the nation’s hospitals are never good enough for him, he had to travel abroad for treatment, that alone is a shame to the nation, this same leader during his first half has traveled out to exotic places forgetting his federal roads are in mess — killing a lot of poor people for no reason due to bad maintenance. The youths of this nation have always been the pride of the nation and in fact, their hard work is seen but not commended. They survive in a nation where electric power is never stable, they manage to survive in the giant of Africa where transportation system is never getting better, this is the 21st century but it appears our ship is from the 17th century being repainted just for an outward admire.
Those of us born between the 80's to 90's we’ve been more productive than any generations Nigeria has ever produced. This young men and women are CEO’s, they’re very skillful and talented. I wrote my WAEC between the first Decade of 2000's, I saw my batch mates and I was proud of how much hard work these gents and ladies are doing, even those who made mistakes in terms of unwanted pregnancy, they never gave up, they’re all working hard to have an honest living, majority of my female classmates are successful business women, yet they never did MBA courses, situation made them into this. The gents back then whom I was so sure has no future in the professional world or whatsoever because of their bad grades, they shame my judgement by becoming lawyers and Entrepreneurs/CEO’s, they’re working hard and in fact some are already having family and those who are single or in a relationship haven’t given up on honest living, with sweat they work each day for their daily bread, doing comedy, becoming Youtuber, artist etc.  
Imagine surviving university in Nigeria for about 4–6 years through the thick and thin of strike, lecturer’s molestation, and abuse, paying 100's of thousands of Naira to become a graduate, and the same government send these young vibrant souls to camp and the only job they could offer 90% of them is teaching in public schools which indeed could be fun and understandable (they manage it anyways), but the heart breaking point is; they end up paying as less as 19800 Naira which is not up to 60 US dollars per month, Oh! Nigeria is asleep, is this really the country credited giant of Africa and top 3 richest in Africa?

Enough said about the political leaders. I have had the opportunity to live in other countries outside Africa and the stupidity of many Nigerian youths is so alarming thus allowing many nations to hashtag Nigerians as criminals. How can we be this stupid? Imagine your struggle in this nation and how hard our government has made life already for us, how can such youths from a wrecking ship go outside the nation and become a stock of nuisance — a complete disgrace to the nation? countries that are not even worth up to Nigeria have passed immigration rules against Nigeria, countries that do not require visas have added exceptions against Nigerians, those who are the true hard workers have less chance and opportunity to make it to other countries because majority of those who went out are confirmed bastards, noisemakers, nit-wits and crime masters. How long will this continue? They use the country’s situation as an excuse, oh! foolish souls, can’t you think? Imagine a case where a fellow Nigerian killed his friend because he wouldn’t agree Messi is better than Ronaldo, damn! are we really that stupid? We have become so immoral, in fact, Sodom and Gomorrah are far better than us, we are the ones jumping all about sex toy and posting nuisance on social media. Ah! a country filled with brilliant minds and talents, only a few are bringing pride to this sinking nation.
I wonder how many of us truly understood our national anthem and pledge?
Enough is enough, enough of yahoo(fraudsters), enough of drugs, enough of vagabond attitude, this is really affecting both our present and our future, imagine you who claim to be yahoo, you’re a curse to this nation, you cheat on wealthy people and those who work hard for their money, most of them after giving all their wealth to you and then realized it’s a scam, they end up committing suicide, the blood is not only against you, it’s on the nation, cos they don’t call your name (obviously they don’t know your real name), all they’ll find out is; it’s someone from Nigeria, GOD will not only punish you but the nation included because it’s not only one soul whose blood is crying out to heaven, a lot of souls are crying against Nigeria, only one person can’t bear it all and the consequence is upon the whole nation, that is why nothing seems to make sense again in these nation. This is now far beyond natural issues. It’s time for absolute repentance and prayers by all Nigerians, we must be willing to admit we are guilty ‘cos we’re facing the wrath of GOD. If it wasn’t GOD punishing this country, how would a leader utter shame about his countrymen instead of fighting for the betterment of the youths?

If it isn’t GOD’s judgment Nigeria, how will Biafra agitation even be a blood-shedding case or why would Boko Haram ever think of Nigeria, killing and kidnapping of the Chibok girls and Dapchi girls for no proper or sensible cause (real terrorist?), look deeply into the wars and death, look at the herdsmen issues, they have no reasonable reason, it isn’t natural anymore. The sin of this nation is way tooooooooo much, GOD’s judgment is already active in this nation.
Another set of leaders called themselves religious leaders. In a street you can find at least two small churches and a mosque at the junction, I wonder what these religious leaders really teach, I won’t put all blame on the youths and political leaders because these same religious leaders have painted a dirty image in the minds of their congregations, preaching only prosperity/blessings and magical miracles instead of the truth about the consequences of sin, GOD’s wrath and HIS judgement, they don’t put the fear of GOD in the hearts of the people, instead they paint GOD to be the magical Santa Claus whose job is to distribute gifts and sweets, if HE doesn’t give on time you can find another means just to get wealthy and to reach the top of the economic chain, these leaders are teachers of hell and workers of iniquity, they themselves swim in wealth thereby intimidating the poor souls in their churches (mosque included). Some call themselves prophets, forgetting what Jeremiah 14 said, they predict football matches for young men so they can win bets, every 1st day of the year, they prophesy about the year (all gain-saying fable), they make special revival for those who want blessings and those who want miracles to gain more members to their business (‘cos religious buildings has become a fast growing business centers), they forgot they need to call the nation to repentance, they forgot they have to pray for this sinking ship (that is their true calling).

Lastly, a call to all leaders (political and religious), a call to all others in this nation (young and old), it’s time for repentance from our evil ways and greedy living, we are indeed a sinking ship, if we’re to offload greediness, covetousness, fraud, laziness, killing, immorality etc. and we repent truly from these ways, maybe GOD who is gracious will have mercy and revive this ship from sinking deep. I only wish these words would mean something to every soul in this country, if not everyone, at least majority, I have a feeling these words will only mean something to some people for few weeks and they’ll go back to their sinful ways, some will prove lazy and not read as patiently as possible. I cry and weep hard for the present situation of Nigeria, I cry for the future of Nigeria. May GOD have mercy on us.
COTEK Temitayo ∞∞∞

Sunday, 24 January 2016


                                                          MY NEIGHBOR
I’ve not been so chanced to travel all over the word but I believe I can still make it if I want to. What I’m about to share is what I came in conclusion with, even though I haven’t experienced much in life, but I came from a family which allows me to be exposed to many things in life even beyond what you are thinking right now.
The oneness in humanity is what I want to share, for we are in fact all the same no matter where we are from, how we are, what we are, still we are termed alike as human. I left my country from the blessed coastal land of the western part of Africa, Nigeria, and I came to one of the richest land in Asia. All I could find here is that humans dwell in the land called India. It was hard for me to find the differences. When I talk of differences you need not think about the cultural activity or geographical aspect in fact that to me also didn’t make much difference because culture is almost the same, many of the superstitious beliefs are exactly as it is in my home country apart from few dissimilarities which I'm not ready to talk about. Anyways, the similarity remains the same, I met men and women all humans and they all speak with voices and talk as though they are of course human, they are not covered in some alien skin of whatsoever type but I only see them as human.
Therefore it’s man who creates boundaries, religions, races, locations and diversities. But if only if we can think and see each other not based on the differences we create or nature made such as differences in height, gender, color, hair texture and types etc. if only if we can start seeing each other as human no matter the race, caste, continent or country, if only we can start seeing ourselves as one who dwell on the same planet, who has skin in form of human, take a deep breath to this and think about it before you continue.
Another ache is the part of one country proving stronger and higher than the other, forgetting they are both in the same planet, even some are of the same continent, to what avail, I don’t understand. Men are proving there superiority over women even those living under the same roof. Funny enough, this act won’t bring about happiness to any of them in anyway, because “happiness is what we create from within and show off outward”. If it’s for the peace of humanity all these are happening, then I need to stop writing, but the way I see it is; we are filled with ego, we are being sentimental, greedy, and we lack the ability to see the light in humanity because we don’t even believe in light anymore. We forget the part that we need each other no matter what. No race or country or tribe or set of people can live in this world alone the earth is too vast to be scanty. If only if we can drop our pride, stupidity fashioned in power, because we open our eyes still we remain blind to what human is, we are blind to the truth, or can someone tell me, what is the point of we looking when we can’t even see what life is all about, we are too wise and end up being foolish, we create madness and call it development, we keep thinking of healing mother earth but we forget we need one another to make this world a better place.
In another part, I blame most parents who nurture their kids on the basis of differences, telling how their neighbor is different from them and how they shouldn’t talk to some set of religious or caste or regular type of people. Without doubt, a child growing in that form will become only sentimental and judgmental, he/she will only be the replica of what his/her parent has impacted. Well, until and unless if the child could see life in a different way and that could only be driven by some compelling force of will to change.
Finally on the question of who my neighbor is, I see a neighbor as one next to you, every single human you come across is your neighbor, your wife or husband, your children, families, friends, the bus passengers, conductors and drivers, the retailer, the shop keeper, your office gateman, your boss, your teachers, your students and every single human on this planet they are your neighbor and you have to start seeing them as due yourself. If you can’t see these ones as you see yourself, if you can’t love them as much as you will like to be loved, if you keep seeing them as someone different in your own terms, then you are not in any form human. Therefore I’ll suggest you get out of this planet and find one where you can to live alone or find a planet with being like you.

                                                                                                            COTEK TEMI

Thursday, 27 August 2015


                                The Wheel of Pride

Dark as night,
Swinging through the boundary
Dominates, yet it’s weak.

It has no light,
No sight at all,
Yet it travels too far.

Strength built on sham,
Appearing strong at hand,
Could still vanish in time

Even the merchant’s carriage,
Trembles at it sight,
It weighs much a price.

It has no castle,
But can rule,
Once across the boundary.

Sunday, 23 August 2015


God's will is for us to be fruitful
To multiply in coast and to prosper,
To be great and blessed beyond measures.
To share our joy, lov, hope, and blessings among others.
He does not want us to cluster, but to prosper,
To spread forth our branches and roots .
But instead, we create boundaries,
We stood fence in security,
Making differential visions,
Locking people out and being selective,
We think we see, but we're yet blind
We ask as if we are supposed to know all, but life is a mystery.
We think we understand life, but still its far beyond what we think.
We create a world of war,
A world of discrimination,
A world divided by difference,
A world one is scared to live in,
A world of hatred,
A world of doubt,
A world we give power to one,
And enslave the other,
A world of blind leaders,
All void of wisdom.
We forgot our true calling as human,
If only if we can go back to our creator's calling,
Where we have to love one another as due ourselves,
To dwell in peace as due our nations,
To give without expecting,
And to take, even without greed.
I wonder a world like this....


There's a language that I've found,
It's that of LOVE.
One language to govern a world like ours,
Where no hatred is found.
Its sentence is structured on honesty, truth and faithfulness,
It expresses more than it says,
There's no place for hurt to lay,
It's dictionary has no shame or pain,
But a language given by grace.
There's a place for unity even in diversity,
Where no separation lies.
Every word spoken is a fountain of life,
Thus life dwells in its origins,
Even on a sick bed, the language can still revive our soul,
Hope is the verbal skill,
Which brings us to the happiest future.
Obedience does not mean to compromise,
But it means understanding.
In this language; forgiveness does not means foolishness,
It means wisdom and in fact forgiveness is a must.
Pride has never been heard,
Neither is there a place for fear in the heart.
Its dialect is truth, where lying and irony of truth can't be found.
For every mistake, there's always a second chance,
In fact a third and even a millionth chance,
That's why forgiveness is its accent.
Its voice is all about giving more than taking,
Yet it takes without greed.
To every nonsense, it utilizes the sense in it to build up an empire,
Whose king 👑 is crowned peace ✌ .
Its intonation is to listen more than you're ready to speak,
That's why expression communicates faster and that's what matters.
Optimism is of course a noun,
Where pessimism never dwells in its Lexicon.
Here is the language I've found,
The language of love,
The key to eternity...

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


“I dream of a place
Far beyond this word
It’s not what you think
‘Cos you’re not in my dream

I saw an ocean of deep blue sea
Full of ice and creatures yet unknown
At the bank dwells a kingdom
Whose land’s full of resources and different trees
A land with no king
‘Cos they all dwell in castles

I see a world beyond our flaws
A kingdom of no pain or agony
A place full of joy and merry
Where everyone speak alike
All calling each other with honor
There ain’t difference in their terms
Although they look not the same
Everyone is given chance to speak
No one ever dwell in shame
No idea is ever wrong
Because they’ll try it all at first

I wish to dwell here
Thus I thought in my dream
What could this place be?
A place where all creatures live as one
A kingdom of no fault
A place I wish was real

Still in my dream I wonder
Pondering through the streets and the rivers yonder
Their waters crystal
No guilt of blood was found
What could be the secret
To such an amazing kingdom?
I asked with a long sentence
What can I call this place?
I need to tell my friends
What should I say to all?
But in one voice they all answered
Not in sentence as I’ve asked
But in one word that they all know – PEACE”

Monday, 22 June 2015


A-lthough things are not perfect;
B-ecause life is full of trials and error,
C-ontinue in thanksgiving,
D-o not play the blame game,
E-ven when the times are hard.
F-ierce winds are bound to blow;
G-od is forever able,
H-ardwork is a friend to success.
I-magination is a key for
J-oy to fill our heart.
K-eep thanking God for all things,
L-ove without complain
M-ove out of the "Complaining Camp".
N-o River is too wide for you to cross,
O-r no Mountain is too high for you to climb.
P-ositive thinkers have no fear of the future.
Q-uit worrying about the future,
R-edeem the time at hand.
S-tart every day with positive thinking,
T-o keep working hard is a "command".
U-ntil you see success coming,
V-ictory doesn't mean you should stop your hard work,
W-aste no time on one success, but keep working
X-pecting a greater and brighter future.
Y-es, there'll be good times and some bad times. But,
Z-ion waits in glory, only the optimist will sing the song of Victory at the end of the journey…