Wednesday, 24 June 2015


“I dream of a place
Far beyond this word
It’s not what you think
‘Cos you’re not in my dream

I saw an ocean of deep blue sea
Full of ice and creatures yet unknown
At the bank dwells a kingdom
Whose land’s full of resources and different trees
A land with no king
‘Cos they all dwell in castles

I see a world beyond our flaws
A kingdom of no pain or agony
A place full of joy and merry
Where everyone speak alike
All calling each other with honor
There ain’t difference in their terms
Although they look not the same
Everyone is given chance to speak
No one ever dwell in shame
No idea is ever wrong
Because they’ll try it all at first

I wish to dwell here
Thus I thought in my dream
What could this place be?
A place where all creatures live as one
A kingdom of no fault
A place I wish was real

Still in my dream I wonder
Pondering through the streets and the rivers yonder
Their waters crystal
No guilt of blood was found
What could be the secret
To such an amazing kingdom?
I asked with a long sentence
What can I call this place?
I need to tell my friends
What should I say to all?
But in one voice they all answered
Not in sentence as I’ve asked
But in one word that they all know – PEACE”

Monday, 22 June 2015


A-lthough things are not perfect;
B-ecause life is full of trials and error,
C-ontinue in thanksgiving,
D-o not play the blame game,
E-ven when the times are hard.
F-ierce winds are bound to blow;
G-od is forever able,
H-ardwork is a friend to success.
I-magination is a key for
J-oy to fill our heart.
K-eep thanking God for all things,
L-ove without complain
M-ove out of the "Complaining Camp".
N-o River is too wide for you to cross,
O-r no Mountain is too high for you to climb.
P-ositive thinkers have no fear of the future.
Q-uit worrying about the future,
R-edeem the time at hand.
S-tart every day with positive thinking,
T-o keep working hard is a "command".
U-ntil you see success coming,
V-ictory doesn't mean you should stop your hard work,
W-aste no time on one success, but keep working
X-pecting a greater and brighter future.
Y-es, there'll be good times and some bad times. But,
Z-ion waits in glory, only the optimist will sing the song of Victory at the end of the journey…