Sunday 23 August 2015


There's a language that I've found,
It's that of LOVE.
One language to govern a world like ours,
Where no hatred is found.
Its sentence is structured on honesty, truth and faithfulness,
It expresses more than it says,
There's no place for hurt to lay,
It's dictionary has no shame or pain,
But a language given by grace.
There's a place for unity even in diversity,
Where no separation lies.
Every word spoken is a fountain of life,
Thus life dwells in its origins,
Even on a sick bed, the language can still revive our soul,
Hope is the verbal skill,
Which brings us to the happiest future.
Obedience does not mean to compromise,
But it means understanding.
In this language; forgiveness does not means foolishness,
It means wisdom and in fact forgiveness is a must.
Pride has never been heard,
Neither is there a place for fear in the heart.
Its dialect is truth, where lying and irony of truth can't be found.
For every mistake, there's always a second chance,
In fact a third and even a millionth chance,
That's why forgiveness is its accent.
Its voice is all about giving more than taking,
Yet it takes without greed.
To every nonsense, it utilizes the sense in it to build up an empire,
Whose king 👑 is crowned peace ✌ .
Its intonation is to listen more than you're ready to speak,
That's why expression communicates faster and that's what matters.
Optimism is of course a noun,
Where pessimism never dwells in its Lexicon.
Here is the language I've found,
The language of love,
The key to eternity...

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